Bus From Poi Pet to Siem Reap

cambodia bus ticket

There are buses available from the Poi Pet border crossing to Siem Reap that we recommend for safe travel.

FAQ. for Route

How far is Poi Pet from Siem Reap?

The travel distance from Poi Pet to Siem Reap is about 150 km by land.

How long does it take to get from Poi Pet to Siem Reap?

It takes 3 hours by bus to get from Poi Pet to Siem Reap. depending on traffic.

What types of buses operate the route Poi Pet to Siem Reap?

As you can see on Buscambodia.com, three bus companies service for route Poi Pet to Siem Reap.

Virak BunthamLuxury Hotel Bus, Luxury Hotel 29 seat layout
Cambolink21 ExpressSleeping Bus
Go Ho TravelMinivan

How much does a bus ticket cost?

Bus ticket prices vary by carrier, but the average cost of a bus ticket on routes is between $11 and $18. You can check the latest prices using the booking Online.

Where does the bus from Poi Pet to Siem Reap depart?

Most buses from Poi Pet to Siem Reap depart from the representative offices of the bus companies located in Poi Pet. You are requested to arrive at the point of departure at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

How to Book a bus ticket from Poi Pet to Siem Reap Online?

You can book a Ticket online at Cambodiaticket.com

Click ReadGuide to booking Bus online
